Monday, May 20, 2013

Prague highlights Day 1

Just so you know, these posts are horribly delinquent. Even though the time stamp of these posts is May, Europe actually happened in the month of March.

So anyway, I work up bright and early Saturday morning and got dressed to go meet up Lucas and Patricia. I was to meet them at the astronomy tower, which in hindsight wasn't the best idea because A) I had never met them so didn't know what they looked like and B) the area was absolutely jam packed with tourists. Anyways, Lucas some how managed to find me and they very graciously took me up and gave me a tour of the Prague castle. Lucas is a tour guide in his spare time and without him I would have had no idea how to take the tram up to the castle (the area for tram tickets is underground in a decrepit building).

After a good three hours of touring the castle, I bid Lucas and Patricia (and their friends) farewell and made my way back to the astronomy clock for my free Sandeman's tour. Our tour guide, Bara, was just fantastic. She was so enthusiastic about Prague (being a native) and was so well versed in the history and little pieces of trivia that it made the three hour walking tour extremely enjoyable (even though the -5C degree weather was less than ideal).

After the tour, a few of us decided to do our own version of a beer crawl (a lot slower paced, a lot fewer beers) and had a great time chatting and getting to know one another over some fun flavored ales (there was a valentine flavored ale that they were pushing on us to help finish the cask). It's always fun to meet new people that are traveling from all over. Jenny and Lisa were visiting from Switzerland (although Jenny is originally a Texan), Tara was traveling through Europe from India, and the boys Raj and AP were in town from London for a bachelor party that they seemed to have misplaced ;). To brave the cold and walk back to our hotels, we ducked into a bar and took shots of absinthe. That will warm you right up!

Passage to old town square

The astronomical clock - built in the 15th century

Balloons let go by a bride and groom

Statue of Jan Hus- leader of the Hussite movement

En route to the castle

Beautiful vista

Multiculturalism at it's finest- with Patricia and Lucas

A tribute to Franz Kafka

The old-new synagogue

Tribute to Jan Palach- the 21 year old who publicly set himself on fire to protest the Soviet invasion of the Czech Republic in 1969

From Left to Right Tara, Me, Bara (our tour guide), Raj and AP

L to R - Jenny, me, Lisa and Tara

The whole gang

One for the road!

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If you really are a cat, I would first like to apologize for my presumption and secondly congratulate you on your excellent cognitive capacity and motor skills.