Thursday, March 22, 2012

Zen and the art of Microwave maintenance

I'm obsessed with diet cokes. Obsessed is an understatement.I can't keep them at home because I have no self control will drink them all which will in turn cause my teeth to rot and my bones to crumble to dust (or whatever happens when you binge drink sodas).

Anyways, I got a diet coke at work the other day and the vending machine happens to be situated right next to the microwave. This got me wondering. What would happen, if one were to microwave a can of soda?

(Side note: let's all pretend that these are normal questions that non-prepubescent boys ask, shall we?)

Since I clearly wasn't about to microwave my soda at work...I tried to imagine what it would be like.The scene in my head played out as follows (fyi- it's semi-spoilery).
Scene in head

Now that my interest was really piqued, I did the next best thing. I looked for YouTube videos of prepubescent boys actually microwaving soda cans. (FYI- I didn't add an age restriction to my search- that would've just been creepy).

This is what came up.

(Not sure why they titled it "is it a good idea to microwave a can of soda". Sweethearts, answer is no. Always, no.)

"Action" starts at around the 2.30 mark. Huh.

So basically, all you end up with is a ruined microwave and some hot bubbly soda. Oh, and apparently it smells really bad. Interesting.

How much do I love the internet for providing me with answers to my boneheaded questions so I don't have to do any of the actual damage myself! Yay! 

PS: Much love to my friend Jeannie for teaching me how to make her amazing PowerPoint presentations, and helping fix my abysmal attempt. For more PowerPoint magic, be sure to check out her blog @ 

1 comment:

  1. Awe, thanks for the shout out! I LOOOOVE this! But there IS a cliff hanger... what did happen to that ninja cat?



If you really are a cat, I would first like to apologize for my presumption and secondly congratulate you on your excellent cognitive capacity and motor skills.